@misc{Zieja_Elżbieta_Muzykoterapia, author={Zieja, Elżbieta}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra ; Skarbona: Stowarzyszenie Polskich Muzyków Kameralistów}, language={pol}, abstract={Music therapy is the oldest and most developed form of therapy through art, and the relationship between music and medicine dates back to the beginnings of human history. For autistic characteristic is disturbed or impossible verbal communication, and there- fore difficult to contact with the environment. Sought methods "reach" to the sick.}, abstract={Music therapy is just one method, which uses music to make contact with the sick. "Music" - are all sound stimuli that come to us from the surrounding world. Music therapy techniques allow the child to recognize and distinguish themselves from the environment. They contribute to its orientation in space and the body schema.}, abstract={Music develops the functions of auditory-kinesthetic, favors established eye contact and touch. Favors manifesting emotional experiences. Listening to music soothes, it gives a sense of security, triggers joy. Music therapy is most often used in the group. This is the same group therapy. This is done socialization of an autistic child. Participants, playing, learn the mutual tolerance, recognize each other in the environment.}, title={Muzykoterapia w pracy z dzieckiem ze spektrum autyzmu = Music therapy in working with an autistic child}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={terapia, dziecko, autyzm, muzykoterapia, therapy, child, autism, music therapy}, }