@misc{Banach_Iwona_Różne, author={Banach, Iwona}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra ; Skarbona: Stowarzyszenie Polskich Muzyków Kameralistów}, language={pol}, abstract={The functioning of the modern world determines the need for changes in education. We are starting to accept diversity and differences in many ascepts of our lives, instead of being a homogeneous society. One of the components of the category of "otherness" are people with disabilities and their functioning in different life structures. Education plays invaluable part in preparing human to meet disability, in terms of education and training.}, abstract={These processes have limitless possibilities in terms of attitudes, world of values, standards and rules governing human life (nurture), as well as spreading knowledge and information about the disability itself. This also applies to restrictions arising from it, consequences or negative attitudes towards people with disabilities.}, abstract={School is a place where educational work is undertaken to promowe acceptance and tolerance towards differences of others. Teachers take action to shape appropriate attitudes towards people with disabilities and one of the most appropriate way is to introduce children and young people to the hierarchy of values.}, abstract={The article presents the results of research on the image of women with disabilities in the perception of children of younger school age. Children in the plastic arts and the written statements presented their opinions on women with disabilities and opportunities to help those people.}, title={Różne konteksty odmienności kobiet z niepełnosprawnością w twórczości plastycznej i percepcji dziecka we wczesnym wieku szkolnym = Various contexts of distinctness of women with disabilities in creativity and perception of a child in early school age}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={edukacja, niepełnosprawność, osoba z niepełnosprawnością, kobieta z niepełnosprawnością, education, disability, disabled people, disabled woman}, }