@misc{Toroń-Fórmanek_Barbara_Kulturotechnika, author={Toroń-Fórmanek, Barbara}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra ; Skarbona: Stowarzyszenie Polskich Muzyków Kameralistów}, language={pol}, abstract={Socially maladjusted people, who have difficulties in creating, fulfilling and filling the roles determined by the society with new identity content, have impoverished, socially unaccepted, and fragmentary personalities. Having such a so-called negative identity means that the person constantly creates their own personality and it is never set permanently.}, abstract={Depriving a person of their negative identity is only meaningful when it serves to rehabilitate them, by making them reconsider their own behavior as well as changing their lives and becoming engaged once again with and in society. With the above in mind, creative rehabilitation is understood as finding and developing hidden potential in people socially maladjusted.}, abstract={Cultural education in prison isolation comes with a particular meaning not only because of the instrumental benefits (that is filling the prisoners` free time and limiting the influence of a subculture on a person who has been deprived of their freedom), but also because of the benefits associated with the attempts to create a socially accepted and acceptable identity.}, abstract={The concept of "cultural education" considers the widely-understood arts. It`s value as a tool for helping people reintegrate into society is based on the fact that it motivates the person to act, and weakens feelings of social isolation, emptiness, apathy and discouragement. This is most likely to be achieved by triggering positive emotions, which aids the corrective and therapeutic interactions. In conclusion, the use of the method should have a positive influence on certain personality types and, therefore, it should assist in the reintegration of people into society.}, title={Kulturotechnika jako forma oddziaływań korekcyjno-terapeutycznych wśród osadzonych = Cultural education as a form of corrective and therapeutic interaction among convicts}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={tożsamość negatywna, twórcza resocjalizacja, kulturotechnika, readaptacja, negative identity, creative rehabilitation, cultural education, readaptation}, }