@misc{Mazur_Magdalena_Możliwości, author={Mazur, Magdalena}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra ; Skarbona: Stowarzyszenie Polskich Muzyków Kameralistów}, language={pol}, abstract={Physical activity is natural in children and occurs spontaneously. It promotes children`s growth and development and is as necessary to life as breathing or eating. It is through physical activity that children learn a lot about themselves, determine their place in the space they live in, get to know this space and develop their perception, memory and attention.}, abstract={One method of shaping children`s sensitivity is giving them an opportunity to "play" with the arts, especially music. The combination of music and motor activity shapes children`s imagination, sensibility, thinking skills, and teaches them teamwork. Many speech therapists use music when working with patients in order to improve the quality of rehab sessions as music is fun and helps children be playful with each other and with their care providers.}, abstract={This is reflected in speech rhythm exercises system that uses rhythm, tempo and dynamics, which are also speech components. Skilful combination of methods and elements used in speech therapy with music and motor activities allows therapists to more effectively influence various spheres of children`s development, including auditory, auditory-physical and physical ones, and support their overall growth.}, title={Możliwości połączenia elementów logorytmiki i metody "Dyna-Lingua M.S." w terapii logopedycznej = Possibilities of combining speech rhythm exercises with the "Dyna-Lingua M.S." method in speech therapy}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={muzyka, ruch, logopeda, neurologopeda, surdologopeda, logorytmika, mowa, piosenka, metoda psychostymulacyjna, rytmogesty, schematy artykulacyjne, kreacje ruchowe, music, physical activity, speech therapist, neuro speech therapist, speech therapist dealing with deafness and hearing impairment, speech rhythm exercises, speech, song, psychostimulation method, rhythmic gestures, articulation schemes, motor exercises}, }