@misc{Kłak-Ambrożkiewicz_Marta_"Genius, author={Kłak-Ambrożkiewicz, Marta}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra ; Skarbona: Stowarzyszenie Polskich Muzyków Kameralistów}, language={pol}, abstract={After the death of Jan Matejko (1838-1893) the idea of founding a biographical museum in his house arose. In 1904, the building became a branch of the National Museum in Krakow. The institution, apart from conducting research on the life and work of the artist, deals with various forms of popularization of this knowledge. Exhibitions, popular science lectures like"Thursdays at the Matejko family", "Meeting with the curator", are only part of them.}, abstract={The pioneering project being carried out in co-operation with the First Degree School of Music in Dobczyce "Musicmaking at the Matejko family", referring to the domestic and family musicmaking, has become the other form. Aside from the research work, searching for the new forms of activity for the biographical museum has been included in the circle of interests of the author of the present article-many years` standing curator of The Jan Matejko House .}, title={"Genius Loci - muzeum biograficzne Jana Matejki, różne aspekty działalności" = "Genius Loci - the biographical museum of Jan Matejko, the various aspects of activity"}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={malarz, genius loci, muzeum biograficzne, popularyzacja, muzykowanie, painter, biographical museum, popularization, musicmaking}, }