@misc{Biniewicz_Jerzy_Przedmowa, author={Biniewicz, Jerzy}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article brings some reflections upon prefaces written to Polish earliest mathematical treatises (16th and 17th centuries), which can be regarded as textbooks. The preface as a statement which cross-refers readers to a text by the same author is a text-making instrument, since it draws a map of the base text, and presents the structure of the argument.}, abstract={The preface in the studied texts is a tool for positioning the communication relationship between the sender and the recipient. At the same time, the subject matter as well as the profile of the contents are presented. The preface as a metatext genre belonging to the parent text forms one whole with the text itself. It can therefore be seen as part of a textbook structure, which determines its clarity as a genre of speech.}, title={Przedmowa w pierwszych (napisanych po polsku) traktatach matematycznych = The prefaces written to Polish earliest mathematical treatises}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={dyskurs naukowy, gatunek mowy, gatunek metatekstowy, podręcznik, przedmowa, scientific discourse, genre of speech, metatext, textbook, preface}, }