@misc{Jurewicz-Nowak_Magdalena_Sposoby, author={Jurewicz-Nowak, Magdalena}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The paper aims to discuss the methods to use the language in price negotiations(bargaining) in the former Polish language. First of all, it is the indication of conventional types of language behaviour subordinated to the circumstances of buying and selling. The material basis of the study is the Polish-German phrasebook by Jerzy Schlaga titled "Neun und funffzig Polnisch-Deutsche Handlungs-Gesprache..". from 1755. The utilitarian nature of the work promotes the understanding of the language habits of the urban community centred on commercial and service activities.}, abstract={This analysis combines the research methods of sociolinguistics and pragma-linguistics. The situation, in which the parties are confronting different price expectations, created a method of language communication based on the sequence of proposing and opposing. The concessions made during the negotiations depend on, among others, the negotiators` bargaining power, the skill of persuasion and adopted tactics proceedings.}, title={Sposoby użycia języka w negocjacjach cenowych w dawnej polszczyźnie (XVIII w.) = The methods to use the language in price negotiations (bargaining) in the former Polish language (the eighteenth century)}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={obyczaj językowy, miejska wspólnota komunikatywna, rozmowa handlowa, negocjacje cenowe, analiza socjolingwistyczna, analiza pragmalingwistyczna, language custom, urban communicative community, trade talk, price negotiations, sociolinguistic analysis, pragma-linguistics analysis}, }