@misc{Ryniewicz_Anna_Maria_Identification, author={Ryniewicz, Anna Maria and Bojko, Łukasz and Pałka, Paweł and Rynkiewicz, Andrzej and Ryniewicz, Wojciech}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski}, language={eng}, abstract={Endoprosthesis stem fractures are among the rarest complications that occur after hip joint arthroplasty. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the causes of the fractures of the Aura II stem neck, which is an element of an endoprosthesis implanted in a patient. In order to achieve it, a radiogram was evaluated, the FEM analysis was carried out for the hip joint replaced using the Aura II prosthesis and scanning tests as well as a chemical analysis were performed for the focus of fatigue.}, abstract={The tests performed indicate that the most probable causes leading to the fatigue fracture of the Aura II stem under examination were material defects in the process of casting and forging (forging the material with delamination and the presence of brittle oxides and carbides) that resulted in a significant reduction of strength and resistance to corrosion. In the light of an unprecedented stem neck fracture, this information should be an indication for non-destructive tests of ready-made stems aiming to discover the material and technological defects that may arise in the process of casting and drop forging.}, title={Identification of the cause of the stem neck fracture in the hip joint endoprosthesis}, type={artykuł}, keywords={prosthetic arthroplasty, stem construction, fatigue fracture, Finite Element Method (FEM), SEM}, }