@misc{Bokotey_Andrei_A._Numbers,, author={Bokotey, Andrei A. and Gorban, Igor M.}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: University of Zielona Góra, Institute of Biotechnology & Environmental}, language={eng}, abstract={General distribution, numbers, distribution across habitats, food requirements, behaviour, and some other aspects of the biology of House Sparrows Passer domesticus, also their spatio-temporal dynamics in human settlements and larger towns of Ukraine have been poorly known as yet.}, abstract={This issue is of particular importance now because of a decline of this species in many European towns (Bowers 1999, Summers-Smith 1999, 2000, Freeman and Crick 2002, Siriwardena et al. 2002, Jasso 2003, Böhner et al. 2003).}, title={Numbers, distribution, and ecology of the house sparrow in Lvov (Ukraine)}, type={artykuł}, keywords={wróblowe, ornitologia, Ukraina}, }