@misc{Dinetti_Marco_Conference, author={Dinetti, Marco}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: University of Zielona Góra, Faculty of Biological Sciences}, language={eng}, abstract={"Passeri in crisi?" Da "pest" a "species of conservation koncern": biologia, problematiche e conservazione dei passeri" was the title of the Conference on Sparrows held in Pisa (Italy) on 20th March 2009.}, abstract={The idea to organizing this conference followed the establishment of the international Working Group on Urban Sparrows (WGUS) that had its second meeting last February 2009 in Newcastle, UK. The conference in Pisa was the occasion to join experts from 5 European countries (Poland, France, Norway, UK, and Italy) for discussing different aspects around the Sparrows: distribution, genetic, conservation, monitoring, breeding biology, habitat, health aspects, in urban as in rural environments.}, title={Conference on Sparrows, 20th March 2009, Pisa, Italy}, type={artykuł}, keywords={wróblowe, konferencja, czasopismo}, }