@misc{Laet_Jenny_De_Meeting, author={Laet, Jenny De and Weir, Jacqueline and Peach, Will}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: University of Zielona Góra, Faculty of Biological Sciences}, language={eng}, abstract={The Working Group on Urban Sparrows is investigating the decline of urban sparrows "Passer", in urban and suburban habitats. At the second meeting in 2009 (De Laet et al 2009) it was decided to define a standardized census procedure that would enable meaningful comparisons of the House Sparrow "P. domesticus" breeding density in urban/suburban habitats throughout this species` range.}, abstract={A breeding-season mapping census based on "active" nests was proposed, together with a simplified method of describing different types of urban/suburban habitats (De Laet et al 2011). The theme of the third meeting was: "What next". Here we bring the abstracts of the talks given on the meeting.}, title={Meeting on the decline of the urban House Sparrow "Passer domesticus": Newcastele 2011 (10-11 March)}, type={artykuł}, keywords={wróblowe, ornitologia}, }