@misc{Jayaraman_Ariyappan_Utilization, author={Jayaraman, Ariyappan and Ramakrishnan, Balasundaram and Samson, Arockianathan}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: University of Zielona Góra, Faculty of Biological Sciences}, language={eng}, abstract={The study was conducted from June 2015 to May 2016 in the Udhangamandal urban areas of The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India. Artificial nests were placed in three different habitats namely Market area, Residential area, and Institutional areas. In each study site 50 next boxes were erected which includes Wooden boxes (n = 10), Paper boxes (n = 10), Bamboo piece (n = 10), PVC pipes (n = 10) and Mud pots (n = 10).}, abstract={Among the three different habitats, the nest box results shows that Market area had a number of nesting attempts in nest boxes (n = 39). The most used type of nest boxes by house sparrows were the mud pots (n = 23). The nest box productivity was highest in the market area (n = 26). Of the different types of nest boxes, the mud pot (n = 16) recorded the highest productivity.}, abstract={A total of 48 successful nests produced 67 chicks while an additional 39 chicks fell out of the nest and died. The market area produced 37 fledge chicks from the 26 nests, while the mud pot nests contained 31 fledged chicks from 16 nests.}, title={Utilization of artificial nest boxes by house sparrow "Passer domesticus" in urban areas of Udhagamandalam, The Nilgiris, India}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Artificial nest boxes, House Sparrows, Udhagamandalam, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India}, }