@misc{Kość_Józef_Wzorzec, author={Kość, Józef}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Bartłomiej Groicki, as the first Polish lawyer-practitioner, presented in a 1559 book, "Porządek sądów I spraw miejskich prawa majdeburskiego w Koronie Polskiej", a promissory oath in a comprehensive approach, i.e. both as a model oath formula (rota), which used to be taken by court clerks before they began their procedural activities, and as a ceremonial activity carried out in an official institution in accordance with a traditional and, already then, solemn ritual .}, abstract={The oath presented by Groicki was, in its structure and meaning, a realisation of a predictive formula, which expressed a pledge to fulfil commitments made, and which has a universal characteristic both in an historical and cultural sense. Therefore, the text of a promissory oath which is always taken in a municipal court, which proceeded in accordance with the Magdeburg Law, had a standard form and was pragmatically determined as a language activity.}, abstract={The promissory oath template from the 16th century, and its external ritual form, cumulate different traditions but primarily the religious and legal ones. The latter one is derived from the codified early Medieval Period principles of Magdeburg Law used in German and Polish municipal judiciary.}, abstract={Thanks to many editions of Groicki`s work and treating it in court procedure as a codified law, the promissory oath (rota) from "Porządek sądów" has become commonplace in a legal variant of linguistic communication and is a normative text pattern .}, title={Wzorzec tekstowy przysięgi sądowej ("iuramentum promissorium") w XVI wieku = Text pattern of a judicial oath ("iuramentum promissorium") in the 16th century}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={przysięga promissoryjna, wzrorzec tekstowy, akt mowy, struktura tekstu, prawo magdeburskie, promissory oath, text pattern, speach act, text structure, Magdeburg Law}, }