@misc{Łozińska_Oksana_Pole, author={Łozińska, Oksana}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={ukr}, abstract={The article analyzes the nuclear and peripheral structure of the phraseo-semantic field (hereafter PSF) "anger" that is formed by kinematic phraseological units (hereafter PU). The data for the study have been 93 kinematic PU to denote anger, the prototype of which is a corresponding mimic sign (63 PU), a gesture (9 PU) or a significant movement of the body (21 PU).}, abstract={A total of 117 481 context realizations of the above-mentioned PU were analyzed. The research of semantics of kinematic PU to denote anger is carried out by contrasting the seme content of these PU, recorded in lexicographical sources, with the semes that they realize in the corpora of Polish texts.}, abstract={While modelling the PSF "anger" we take into account three aspects of the meaning of PU - significative (conceptual, systemic), denotative (objective, functional) and connotative (expressive and stylistic) that are singled out from dictionaries and text corpora.}, abstract={The formation of the PSF "anger" is made by previous specification of the limits of the conceptual field "anger" on the basis of structure analysis of the lexical and semantic field "anger" in the Polish language.}, title={Pole frazeosemantyczne "gniew" w języku polskim (na materiale polskiej frazeologii kinematycznej) = Phraseosemantic Field "Anger" in the Polish language (based on kinematic Polish phraseology)}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={pole frazeosemantyczne, kinematyczny związek frazeologiczny, znak mimiczny, gest, znaczący ruch ciała, aspekty znaczenia frazeologizmu, phraseosemantic field, kinematic phraseological units, mimic sign, gesture, significant movement of the body, aspects of meaning}, }