@misc{Wincewicz_Kamila_Deprecjonujące, author={Wincewicz, Kamila}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article concerns those derogatory names for religious dissenters presented in Skarga`s "Kazania Sejmowe" that can be labeled as derogatory. These names (45 in total) consist of nouns like "heathem", genetic adjectives in noun-like usage - e.g . "bad", whole expressions like "sons of Belial", metaphors like NON-BELIEVERS ARE VENOMOUS WOLVES, and also descriptive expressions like "[those who] sow discord everywhere".}, abstract={They are described with focus on their implicit and explicit character and also based on their occurence in source material . The purpose of using terms that depreciate non-believers by Piotr Skarga is mocking them and putting them in a bad light, highlighting their savagery and other features seen as negative at the end of the 16 and beginning of 17 century and lastly, convincing readers to defy heresy.}, title={Deprecjonujące nazwy innowierców w "Kazaniach sejmowych" Piotra Skargi = Derogatory names for religious dissenters in piotr Skarga`s "Kazania sejmowe"}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={deprecjonowanie, innowiercy, Skarga, Piotr (1536-1612), depreciating, religious dissenters}, }