@misc{Gowrisankara_Rao_V._An, author={Gowrisankara Rao, V. and Linga Raju, Temburu}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski}, language={eng}, abstract={It is proposed to use the Hall currents to model the transient magneto-hydrodynamic two liquid flows and heat transfer of ionized gases propelled by a common pressure gradient via a horizontal channel consisting of parallel porous plates. For the distributions of velocity and temperature, the principal partial differential equations that explain heat transfer flow under the chosen constraints are resolved.}, abstract={Graphical representations are given for the distributions of velocity, temperature, and heat transfer rates. This research will be carried out using nonconducting porous plate`s channel.}, title={An unsteady electro-magnetohydrodynamic two-liquid plasma flow along a channel of insulating porous plates with hall currents}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Hall effect, MHD heat transfer, plasma, immiscible flow, non conducting porous plates}, }