@misc{Pałys_Piotr_The, author={Pałys, Piotr}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={In 1945 Czechoslovakia made claims for the southern parts of Upper Silesia and Kłodzko Valley - the lands partially inhabited by people of Moravian and Czech descent. e attempts to introduce Czechoslovakian influences conjured the reaction of the Poles. As the effect, groups of escapees started to emerge in Náchod, Opava and Karniów regions. Their presence was at first used as a legitimization for Prague`s territorial claims.}, abstract={Due to the Czechoslovakian aid the representatives` organizations were formed, e. g. Komitet Kłodzki (Kłodzko Committee), Rada Narodowa Ziemi Kłodzkiej (Kłodzko National Board), Stowarzyszenie Kłodzkich Czechów (Organization of Czechs from Kłodzko), Związek Przyjaciół Kłodzka (Kłodzko`s Friends Union) or Komitet Górnośląski (Upper Silesian Committee). With time, number of refugees, even those who were positively verified, started to declare the willingness to leave for Germany. Others assimilated with the Czechs.}, title={The situation of refugees and escapees from Raciborski, Głubczycki and Kłodzki counties over the Czechoslovakian side of the boarder = Sytuacja uchodźców i uciekinierów z powiatów raciborskiego, głubczyckiego i kłodzkiego po czechosłowackiej stronie granicy w latach 1945-1951}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Czechs from Kłodzko, Moravians, Polish-Czechoslovakian borderland, argument about borders, refugees, kłodzcy Czesi, Morawianie, granica polsko-czechosłowacka, uchodźcy}, }