@misc{Wiśniowski_Leszek_Rozwój, author={Wiśniowski, Leszek}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article presents the development of the performance language of jazz flutists from 1913 to the present day. It contains the sources of inspiration as well as the meaning of mutual influences. It reveals the role of classical and avant-garde music in shaping the style of some jazz flutists. It appeals to the biographical facts, indicates the motives for which the described jazzmen took up the flute.}, abstract={It also talks about those musicians whose flute activity is not known to the wider audience. The work mainly describes artists from the USA but also, albeit to a lesser extent, applies to those who work in Asia, Europe, including Poland. To clarify data, the described historical period was divided into decades.}, title={Rozwój języka wykonawczego flecistów w muzyce jazzowej od roku 1913 do współczesności = The development of flutists performance language in jazz music from 1913 to the present day}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={flute, jazz, improvisations, articulation, jazz history, performance}, }