@misc{Ailawalia_Praveen_One-dimensional, author={Ailawalia, Praveen and Kumar, Lalit}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski}, language={eng}, abstract={The present research article deals with the study of a boundary value problem of a one-dimensional semi-infinite hygro-thermoelastic rod of length l. The deformation of the rod is under consideration when the left boundary of the hygro-thermoelastic rod is subjected to a sudden heat source. The solutions of the considered variables are decomposed in terms of normal modes.}, abstract={Analytical expressions of displacement, moisture concentration, temperature field, and stresses are obtained and presented graphically for different periods. By studying the one-dimensional thermal shock problem for a semi-infinite hygrothermoelastic rod, the authors aim to gain insights into the fundamental behavior of materials subjected to rapid temperature changes and moisture effects.}, title={One-dimensional thermal shock problem for a semi-infinite hygrothermoelastic rod}, type={artykuł}, keywords={one-dimensional, heat source, temperature distribution, hygrothermoelastic rod, moisture concentration}, }