@misc{Janowska_Aleksandra_Wariantywność, author={Janowska, Aleksandra and Kleszczowa, Krystyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article constitutes a proposition related to a description of the linguistic monuments in the context of conservativity or progressivity of the word-formative doublets which are used in them, and thus to study the nature of the text: its progressivity or regressivity against the background of the period in which the text arose. We may discuss this nature owing to, on the one hand, a comparison with the language of the previous period and on the other hand, a comparison with the contemporary state of affairs.}, abstract={The sixteenth-century "Rule of St. Clare" was subject to an analysis. Research indicates that it is impossible to evaluate the monument in an unambiguous manner. However, despite certain reservations the choices of word-formative variants which were described enable us to state that the language of the "Rule of St. Clare" is characterised by progressivity; the text fits the line of the development of the Polish language very well.}, title={Wariantywność słowotwórcza w tekście na tle epoki (na przykładzie "Reguły zakonu świętej Klary") = Word-formative variance of a text in the context of the period (on the basis of the example of the "Rule of St. Clare")}, type={artykuł}, keywords={wariancja słowotwórcza, rozwój języka, słowotwórstwo historyczne, word-formative variance, the development of a language, historical word formation}, }