@misc{Jurewicz-Nowak_Magdalena_Relacja, author={Jurewicz-Nowak, Magdalena}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The purpose of the study is to characterize the relation between the sender and the receiver in the former legal language from the perspective of pragma- and sociolinguistics. The research material is the "Saskie Mirror" by Paweł Szczerbica from 1581. The basic concepts and tools of analysis were taken from the methodological proposal by S. Borawski. The article examines the relationship between text as a pattern of linguistic behaviour and transformations occurring in the life of the community that result from ever-changing social needs.}, abstract={The work of Szczerbic - a lawyer and a municipal official - was born of a personal need to know the basic source of German law. At the same time, the author perceived the benefits of translating and making the document available to a wider audience without extensive knowledge. This was facilitated by the socio-political situation in the country, which gave impetus to the state elites to critically look at the legacy of legal culture and the desire to improve it.}, abstract={These determinants result in a number of consequences in the way of shaping the transmission and reception relationships in a monument. First and foremost, the sender is involved in the learning process of the recipient. Not only does he want to give him a certain amount of legal knowledge, but he also seeks to develop his competence in the field of modelling language behaviour at court. That is why we find traces of the linguistic dialogue of the sender with the receiver in the work.}, title={Relacja nadawczo-odbiorcza w dawnym języku prawnym (na materiale "Zwierciadła Saskiego" Pawła Szczerbica z XVI w.) = A transcription and reception relation in the former legal language (on the material of the "Saskie Mirror" by Paweł Szczerbic from the 16th century)}, type={artykuł}, keywords={relacja nadawczo-odbiorcza, wzory zachowań językowych, język prawny, wspólnota komunikatywna determinowana prawnie, "Zwierciadło Saskie", Szczerbic, Paweł (1552-1609), 16 w., transcription and reception relation, patterns of linguistic behaviour, legal language, legally determined communicative community, "Saskie Mirror", 16th century}, }