@misc{Kowalska_Danuta_Przedstawiciele, author={Kowalska, Danuta and Pietrzak, Magdalena}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article aims to present chosen portrayals of foreign nations and ethnic groups with which Sienkiewicz had contact during his journeys to America and Africa. The basis of this study is the account of travels, which took the form of a letter from journeys ("Portraits of America: Letters of Henry Sienkiewicz", "Letters from Africa"), popular in the second half of the nineteenth century.}, abstract={The report is considered part of the studies of ethnical stereotypes, conducted from the historical perspective. In order to carry out the analyses, notions such as "point of view" (adapted by the author of the text) and "perspective" have been applied. The lexical material analysed in such a way made it possible to define points of view and show the inventory of aspects on the basis of which the representatives of foreign nations are perceived.}, abstract={The main point of view used in the conceptualization of the notion of "a person of a given nationality" and "a given nation" is eurocentrism. In his journeys Sienkiewicz was a Pole of a strong national identity as well as a European. As for the aspects defining a given nationality, the following ones have been pointed out: the physical, cultural, psychological, religious and economic aspect.}, title={Przedstawiciele obcych narodowości w oczach Sienkiewicza podróżnika = Representatives of foreign nations as view ed through the eyes of Sienkiewicz the traveller}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Sienkiewicz, Henryk (1846-1916), listy z podróży, punkt widzenia, stereotyp narodowy, letters from journeys, point of view, perspective, national stereotype}, }