@misc{Krawczuk_Ałła_Grzecznie, author={Krawczuk, Ałła}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The author of the article analyzes the types of interference the result of which is the formation of different contrasted with the Polish nationwide congratulations and expressing someone`s wishes structures in the language of the Polish community living in Ukraine. It was predicted the possible communicative "danger zones" caused by different types of interferencje: grammar, lexical-semantic, language-cultural.}, abstract={An attempt was made to research the realizing of interference origin of the structures and evaluation of the functionality of these interference units by the Polish language users in Ukraine. The study shows the areas of widely understood and ambiguous category of borderland which concern these acts of speech in the researched communicative community.}, title={Grzecznie po (staro)polsku? "Pogranicza" językowo-kulturowe gratulacji i życzeń we współczesnej polonijnej wspólnocie komunikatywnej na Ukrainie = Politely in (old) polish? Language-cultural "borderlands" of congratulations and wishes in contemporary polish communication community in Ukraine}, type={artykuł}, keywords={gratulacje, życzenia, interferencja, polszczyzna polonijna na Ukrainie, świadomość językowa, pogranicze, congratulations, wishes, interference, the Polish language of Polonia in Ukraine, language awareness, borderland}, }