@misc{Pałucka-Czerniak_Iwona_Refleksje, author={Pałucka-Czerniak, Iwona}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article contains an analysis of information on languages, including the former Polish language, contained in the work "About Lithuanian and Polish Laws..." by Tadeusz Czacki from 1801. The elaboration of the former rights the scholar enriched with many discussions on the meaning of words, he included a number of reflections related to the emergence and trans- formation of the tribal communities, also seen through the prism of language use.}, abstract={He extended factual information with literary texts connected with legal documents. He also made reflections on the titles, both Polish and Russian. First of all, however, he provided a lot of content related to the shaping and use of languages. Lastly, he commented on the authorship of legal records, legal language, personal style and text style.}, abstract={The analysis of historical-literary content in this autor`s works shows that although they were not put in the first place, they were the source of arguments and examples that the scholar entwined in main and secondary narrative, assuming that language is a binder of the community and thus reflects its picture.}, title={Refleksje o języku i słowie w pracy "O litewskich i polskich prawach..." autorstwa Tadeusza Czackiego = Reflections on language and words in the work "About Lithuanian and Polish Laws..." by Tadeusz Czacki}, type={artykuł}, keywords={język , historia, prawo, narracja, language, history, law, narration}, }