@misc{Sieradzki_Andrzej_Formuły, author={Sieradzki, Andrzej}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article studies the terms of politeness encountered in the Zelena village in the Hutsul Country (Ukraine). The set of polite phrases appearing in this area is treated by the author of the article as a closed collection constituting an important element of the politeness author of the article as a closed collection constituti model realized in specific social-cultural conditions.}, abstract={The forms containing, in their lexical composition, the elements referring to the sphere of sacrum are used in the situations which can generally be defined as: greetings, farewells, compliments and thanks. Within those general categories, in some cases, we can additionally isolate more detailed situations, in which different politeness terms are used, for instance, thanks and thanks expressed by a beggar, greetings at work and greetings when milking cows.}, abstract={In the studied community, the expressions discussed in the article have been still used by all generations. Some of them, as confirmed by studies, are applied only in special situations, for example, in contacts with the elderly people. This is the case, for instance, with syntagmas recalling the situation of a greeting where the phrase "Slava Isusu Christu" (and an adequate reply) is being replaced by "Zdorov!" which is popular among the young generation.}, abstract={All fixed expressions with a semantic sacral component used in the analysed situations possess a performative function, which means that they create a polite atmosphere and preserze their basic semantic properties.}, title={Formuły grzecznościowe z semantycznym komponentem sakralnym w języku mieszkańców wsi Zelena (Ukraina - huculszczyzna) = Terms of politeness with a?Semantic Sacral Component in the Language of the Inhabitants of Zelena Village (Ukraine - hutsulshchyna)}, type={artykuł}, keywords={formuły grzecznościowe, "sacrum" w formułach grzecznościowych, Huculszczyzna, Zelena, politeness terms, "sacrum" in politeness terms, Hutsuls}, }