@misc{Sławkowa_Ewa_Miejsce, author={Sławkowa, Ewa}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article argues that the evolution of linguistics has provided translatology with two main methodological paradigms - structuralist and congitivist-anthropological. The former contributed to translatology the view of the systemic structure of languages and hence formulated a concept of translation based on the concepts of objectivism and strict and rigorous scientific procedures. E. Nida`s theory of equivalence as well as I. Evan-Zohar`s theory of polisystems resulted from the structuralist inspiration.}, abstract={Both cognitivism (as represented by Langacker`s study of grammar) and anthropological linguistics introduced a different perspective emphasizing (as in E. Tabakowska`s work) the role of psychological, epistemological, and cultural elements in the proces of translation. Thus, translation is viewed as an encounter of cultures, an important event in the intercultural and interethnic communication.}, title={Miejsce językoznawstwa w?badaniach translatologicznych = Linguistics in Translatological Research}, type={artykuł}, keywords={ekwiwalencja formalna, ekwiwalencja dynamiczna, dominanta semantyczna, polisystem, kod kulturowy, dynamic equivalence, formal equivalence, semantic dominant, cultural code}, }