@misc{Steciąg_Magdalena_"Lingua, author={Steciąg, Magdalena}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of the paper is to analyse the problem of competition between or coexist- ence of ELF ("English as Lingua Franca") and LaRa ("Lingua Receptiva") as communication modes in the Polish - Czech border area. To support the analysis the questionnaire research have been conducted and the quantitave results are presented in the paper.}, abstract={Observing the changes of language behaviour of the Polish - Czech borderland habitants, and predominantly evidence- based diagnosis of the current linguistic situation on this area area is important for at least two reasons: it can form a basis of practical and customised (not based on prejudices or declarations) linguistic policy supporting national languages in the area, and secondly - as it can point to the glottodidactic solutions for acquiring a similar language and expand the awareness of the popular use of techniques enabling communication in multilingual interactions in a borderland.}, title={"Lingua receptiva" czy "lingua franca" - zachowania językowe mieszkańców polsko-czeskiego pogranicza = "Lingua receptiva" or "lingua franca" - language behaviour of the Polish-Czech borderland` habitants}, type={artykuł}, keywords={zachowanie językowe, "lingua franca", "lingua receptiva", pogranicze polsko-czeskie, language behaviour, Polish-Czech borderland}, }