@misc{Woźniak_Ewa_Stereotyp, author={Woźniak, Ewa and Zarębski, Rafał}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The authors deal with the problem of the stereotype of surnames ending in -ski in the interwar period. The study is based on varied examples of the change of surnames: those recorded by linguists and laymen, and those found in literature and in official applications for the change of surname. The analysis questions the common at the time judgement that adopting surnames ending in -ski indicated aspiration to noble origin.}, abstract={The authors prove that although representatives of upper classes of the society (the gentry and intelligentsia) had been aware of the association of surnames ending in -ski with the nobility, that association was less common in the rest of the society. The study of the gathered material proved that during the interwar period the structural function of the suffix -ski was strengthened and became entirely an indication of stereotyped "Polish surname".}, title={Stereotyp nazwisk polskich w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym = The stereotype of polish surnames in the interwar period of the polish 20th century history}, type={artykuł}, keywords={nazwisko, stereotypy, Polska międzywojenna, zmiana nazwisk, surname, stereotypes, Inter-war Poland, change of surnames}, }