@misc{Kotin_Michail_L._Pochodzenie, author={Kotin, Michail L.}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The esthetical function of human languages is, beside the cognitive, communicative and expressive functions, commonly considered as one of their basic functions. However, the origin of the esthetical function is controversial as well. From the perspective of the language genealogy, it seems to be rather a secondary function, but if we accept this, the question still remains, what primary function it was derived from.}, abstract={The main claim of this paper is the hypothesis that the esthetical function of the human language arises from its cognitive function, namely from those spheres of the lingual recording of the outside world, which are "responsible" for the retention of information in the human mind in the form of language characters. Thus, e.g. rhyme and rhythm served in their primary function, according to this presumption, for a better recording of the textual information in the human mind, until the possibility of their written fixation appeared, i.e., until literacy emerged.}, abstract={The development of the secondary, esthetical function of rhyme and rhythm is, thus, due to the abandonment of the necessity of the recording of rhymed and rhythmic texts in the mind, so that those texts step by step begin to play an esthetical role in adaptation and exaptation processes in the sense of the evolutional language theory of Roger Lass and other linguists.}, title={Pochodzenie funkcji estetycznej języka = The emergence of the esthetical function of the language}, type={artykuł}, keywords={funkcja estetyczna języka, adaptacja, egzaptacja, zmiany językowe, esthetical function of the language, adaptation, exaptation, language change}, }