@misc{Uździcka_Marzanna_Kategoria, author={Uździcka, Marzanna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The subject of this article is to determine whether and to what extent the problem of language aesthetics was present in the nineteenth-century children`s and youth magazines, and what exponents of linguistic behavior in the evaluation of editors of press texts were considered aesthetic.}, abstract={The theoretical starting point for the analyzes was the assumption that the category of language aesthetics exists in the general consciousness of language users, and its conceptual scope is above all an expression of the relation to mother tongue and people`s communicating with words emotional attitude towards it. These attitudes are socially and culturally shaped as well as historically conditioned.}, abstract={Analysis of the material (especially the periodicals "Children`s Entertainment" (1824-1828), "Journal for Children" (1829), "Weekly Magazine for Children" (1830), "Friend of Children" (1851-1856) printed in Lviv, "Friend of Children" (1861-1868) printed in Warsaw) showed that the promotion of sensitivity to the beauty of language and the aesthetics of words was a priority the promotion of sensitivity to the beauty of language and the aesthetics of words was a priority for the work of editors and their collaborators in nineteenth-century children`s and youth magazines.}, abstract={It was conditioned by the attitude towards a mother tongue and the idea of improvement and purity of Polish, which was not only a proof of undeniable value of the nation, but also the guarantee of its existence and survival.}, title={Kategoria estetyki języka w dziewiętnastowiecznym czasopiśmiennictwie dla dzieci i młodzieży = Category of language aesthetics in nineteenth century periodicals for children and adolescents}, type={artykuł}, keywords={estetyka językowa, kryterium estetyczne, kryterium narodowe, czasopismo dziecięce, czasopismo młodzieżowe, prasa, 19 w., aesthetics of language, aesthetic criterion, national criterion, magazines for children and youth, 19th century}, }