@misc{Jurewicz-Nowak_Magdalena_Kryterium, author={Jurewicz-Nowak, Magdalena}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The subject of the article is aesthetic values shaping the linguistic behaviour of Poles in nineteenth-century Polish language. The study is empirical. As a research material, a textbook for learning Polish for school children by Józefa Kamocka was used entitled "Teoryja stylu polskiego" from 1875.}, abstract={The selection of the book was influenced by several factors: the author`s publishing activity, her personality and educational activities well illustrating the social and cultural changes taking place in the national communicative community in the nineteenth century. The purpose of the study is to investigate which aesthetic values and evaluation criteria were used in the textbook and the language in which these values are judged and its value in the teaching of exemplary language behaviour in the nineteenth century.}, abstract={Material analysis shows that aesthetic values are a control category in the process of language education and learning. Beauty (of language) is a tool for achieving truth and good. The beauty category and its synonyms most often assess language, expression and style. The author care- fully selects the exemplary material (belles lettres predominates). J. Kamocka writes in a vivid, pictorial and emotional way about the aesthetic values.}, title={Kryterium estetyczne jako wyznacznik kształtowania wzorów językowych zachowań w "Teoryjej stylu polskiego" Józefy Kamockiej (XIX w.) = Aesthetic criterion as a determinant of shaping language patterns of behaviour in "Teoryja stylu polskiego" (Theory of Polish style) by Józefa Kamocka (19th century)}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Kamocka, Józefa (1830-1897), wartości estetyczne w języku, wzór zachowania językowego, podręcznik, rola kobiet w pedagogice, 19 w., aesthetic values in language, linguistic pattern of behaviour, textbook, role of women in pedagogy, 19th century}, }