@misc{Żuraszek-Ryś_Iwona_O, author={Żuraszek-Ryś, Iwona}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The subject of reflection in this article are the causes and course of changes in post-war urbanonyms of Zielona Góra (especially due to political considerations) from the perspective of public discourse. The analysis of the various participants in this discourse, i.e. politicians, journalists and ordinary citizens, has been analyzed. The names themselves were also taken into account, testifying about the people who gave them, their views, convictions, motives they were guided by.}, abstract={It was noticed that the special use of urbanonyms as a subject of political and ideological activities took place both in connection with new appointments caused by the change of the system after World War II or the creation of new housing estates in later years, as well as renamations caused by the time of the thaw after Stalin`s death and October 1956, the transformation of the political system after 1989 and the implementation of the so-called decommunisation act in 2017. Therefore, it was connected, as in other Polish cities, with historical and political changes taking place in our country, but it did not always have the same course and character.}, title={O zmianach zielonogórskich urbanonimów spowodowanych względami politycznymi (z perspektywy dyskursu publicznego) = About changes of Zielona Góra urbanonyms caused by political reasons (from the perspective of public discourse)}, type={artykuł}, keywords={dyskurs, urbanonimy, zmiany w nazewnictwie, argumentacja, discourse, urbanonyms, changes in names, argumentation}, }