@misc{Hawrysz_Magdalena_Kobiecy, author={Hawrysz, Magdalena}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of the study is to identify areas of exploration, which - in principle - will identify and describe semantic centers, lexical pillars, conventionalized constructions and language treatments, as well as recreate profiles of key concepts, values, etc. typical for women`s independence discourse. The independence discourse is understood in accordance with Polish linguistics and distinguished on the basis of the thematic criterion and the criterion of a sender.}, abstract={The study indicates the significance of such types of literature as diaries, memoir and chronicle works describing the events of World War I, private correspondence, historiography (in the scholarly and popular version), pedagogical work, pedagogical fiction, and the press.}, title={Kobiecy dyskurs niepodległościowy - źródła do badań = Feminine independence discourse - sources for research}, type={artykuł}, keywords={dyskurs, Niepodległość, kobiecy dyskurs niepodległościowy, korespondencja, literatura dokumentu osobistego, historiografia, beletrystyka pedagogiczna, prasa, discourse, independence, feminine independence discourse, correspondence, personal documentary literature, historiography, educational fiction, press}, }