@misc{Rejter_Artur_Poradnikowy, author={Rejter, Artur}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={In the article the analysis of ancient academic discourse is described on the example of medical texts. The focus was on the advisory aspect of discourse which take different text shapes and constitute an important element of discourse. Furthermore, the guide aspects are the expressions of practical aspect of ancient academic texts.}, abstract={Moreover, one can observe in the analysed texts a purpose to objectivism and a tendency to ordering the argument, which are the examples of academic shape of communication. Therefore the academic discourse of past centuries is a collection of different discourses, which pervade in the analyzed texts.}, title={Poradnikowy wymiar dyskursu naukowego wieków dawnych = The guide shape of academic discourse of past centuries}, type={artykuł}, keywords={dyskurs naukowy, poradnik, styl, tekst, historia języka polskiego, academic discourse, guidebook, style, text, history of the Polish language}, }