@misc{Jurewicz-Nowak_Magdalena_Językowy, author={Jurewicz-Nowak, Magdalena}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The subject of the article are linguistic manifestations of the axiological consciousness of the communicative community determined legally in the 16th century. The aim of the publication is to determine what values activated and directed the action of the community (an attempt to present the typology of value names) and how the leading representatives of this community expressed values.}, abstract={The basis for the analysis are pre-materials (preface, epistle, memorial etc.) of Bartłomiej Groicki, Łazarz Andrysowic, Jan Herburt, Paweł Szczerbic and Stanisław Sarnicki for the sixteenth-century legal codes. The source of inspiration and theo- retical assumptions are linguistic works: Stanisław Borawski, Zenon Klemensiewicz, Jadwiga Puzynina, Bożena Witosz, and philosophical and psychological ones: Andrzej Grzegorczyk, Wojciech Pasterniak, Mirosław Kowalski and Daniel Falcman.}, abstract={The linguistic expression of the axiological awareness of creators and publishers of codes is the use of names of positive values that they particularly value and crave, and negative ones that result from the feeling of lack of good and threat they bring to the legal community and the entire ethnic community.}, abstract={The subject of the analysis are nominal names of values. Their mutual relations and ordering reflect the specific thought patterns of the community, stereotypes, adopted patterns of good and evil. In the centre of the authors` attention are praxeological values concerning social and evil. In the centre of the authors` attention are praxeological values concerning social and state matters, directly related to the operation of senders. They are secondary to autotelic ones.}, abstract={Moral and vital values are used to justify undertaking the task of writing down and developing legal norms in Polish language, joining a codification campaign, gaining the favour of a supervisor and recipients of books.}, title={Językowy wyraz świadomości aksjologicznej wspólnoty komunikatywnej warunkowanej prawnie (na podstawie materiałów wstępnych do zbiorów prawa z XVI w.) = The linguistic expression of the axiological awareness of the Polish legally conditioned (on the basis of preliminary materials for the 16th century legal collections) communicative community}, type={artykuł}, keywords={wartość, wartościowanie, świadomość aksjologiczna, wspólnota komunikatywna warunkowana prawnie, dyskurs prawny, 16 w., values, valuation, axiological awareness, legally conditioned communicative community, legal discourse, 16th century}, }