@misc{Szagun_Dorota_Funkcje, author={Szagun, Dorota}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Names as an element of cultural memory build our identity through a simple recall of history, but above all by a special exhibition of old events. In this way, the presence of proper names, in the genre characteristic for establishing the sense of national identity, which is a historical novel, also recreate the identity discourse by recalling and repeating history.}, abstract={This discourse is, however, in contemporary novels, creatively processed and supplemented. In case of Jacek Komuda, an identity discourse is built through a review of the history and the nobility`s ethos, and especially by revalorizing and depreciating the pattern of the knight developed by the historical novel by Henryk Sienkiewicz.}, abstract={Identity discourse is also supplemented today, i.e. reproduced in accordance with the historical truth proper to the Piast times, but with a modern feminist perspective imposed on it, which is clearly seen in forming the proper names in "Harda" and "Królowa" by Elżbieta Cherezińska.}, title={Funkcje nazw własnych w dyskursie tożsamościowym. Na podstawie wybranych powieści i opowiadań historycznych Elżbiety Cherezińskiej i Jacka Komudy = Functions of proper names in the identity discourse. Based on selected historical novels and stories by Elżbieta Cherezińska and Jacek Komuda}, type={artykuł}, keywords={dyskurs, tożsamość, powieść historyczna, nazwa własna, discourse, identity, historical novel, proper name}, }