@misc{Żurawska-Chaszczewska_Jowita_Formy, author={Żurawska-Chaszczewska, Jowita}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The goal of the article is the analysis of linguistic etiquette exponents which are associated with addressative forms in "The Widower" by Jozef Korzeniowski. The text mentions addressative forms including first names, surnames, relativity terms, official titles, old-Polish addressative forms and analyses the application of expressions such as Mr, Mrs, and Ms, or addressative forms directed to specific groups such as clergymen, etc.}, abstract={It also indicates diminutive variations and insulting phrases which fulfill important function in the linguistic creation of the world. It was revealed that the writer, faithful to the principle of life-probability, through a careful selection of addressative forms, which are consistent with the 19th century etiquette, depicts the relations between interlocutors defining their social status and the type of interaction, which enriches the described world and makes it more realistic.}, title={Formy adresatywne w powieści "Wdowiec" Józefa Korzeniowskiego = Addressative forms in the novel "The Widower" by Jozef Korzeniowski}, type={artykuł}, keywords={stylistyka, język pisarzy, grzeczność językowa, style, writer`s, language, linguistic politeness}, }