@misc{Zotova_Nataliia_Koncept, author={Zotova, Nataliia}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The presented article is devoted to the concept of a home in the novels of the contemporary Polish writer Anna Łacina ("Czynnik miłości", "Kradzione róże", "Telefony do przyjaciela", "Miłość pod Psią Gwiazdą", "Ostatnie wakacje"). On the material of selected texts, the multi?layered and autonomous concept of the home, its central, peripheral, opposing components in the linguacultural, anthropocentric and axiological perspective is examined.}, abstract={It was revealed that in Anna Łacina`s artistic space, the concept of a home primarily exposes relational aspects, especially the relations between the older and the younger generation. On the one hand, the home concept is positively characterized, it is high in the hierarchy of values. On the other hand, it show the transformation of the traditional semantics of the home as an intimate and safe space into a foreign and hostile space.}, abstract={The presented study is important in the light of the current topic of "the young person and his close environment", and in the context of interest in the specific features of the Polish linguistic image of the home, including features related to Christmas.}, title={Koncept domu w powieściach dla młodzieży autorstwa Anny Łaciny = The concept of a home in novels for young people by Anna Łacina}, type={artykuł}, keywords={język , dom, koncept, chronotop, literatura familijna, literatura dla dzieci i młodzieży, idylla, zapach, language, home, concept, chronotope, family literature, literature for young people, idyll, fragrance}, }