@misc{López_Alexander_Blandón_Competitive, author={López, Alexander Blandón and Rubio-Rodríguez, Gustavo Adolfo and Vega, Gerardo Pedraza}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={This research delves into the identification of opportunities for the consolidation of the lemon value chain in the department of Tolima, Colombia, through the associativity model called: Special Administrative Planning Region. This model is a land-use planning system, officially recognized in Article 325 of the Political Constitution of Colombia and in Law 114 of 2011, which functions as a planning tool at the regional level.}, abstract={Its main objective is to integrate a given region with other territorial entities at the departmental level. The study is framed within exploratory research that employs qualitative and quantitative methodologies for its development, in addition to using data collection instruments, in order to identify the main elements that define the possibilities of establishing a profitable and sustainable value chain in the citrus-lime sector in Tolima.}, abstract={The results show that the potential for competitive insertion of lemon in global value chains reaches potential international markets such as Russia, Germany, France, Poland, Canada and Saudi Arabia, and the support of different government institutions. However, it is necessary to overcome major threats and weaknesses that currently hinder this insertion.}, title={Competitive insertion of the citrus-lemon chain in global value chains in Colombia}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Global Value Chain, Inclusion, Regional Competitiveness, Lemon}, }