@misc{Nagy_László_Kálmán_Karykaturalny, author={Nagy, László Kálmán}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={In the Hungarian crime-literature, and film at the time of Janos Kadar, ie. in the "Three T": "Tilt", "Tűr", "Tamogat" (in English translation PFS: prohibited, forbear, support), for ideological reasons belonged to a group of middle "T". In the years of socialism, when the crime was officially disappear, foreign detective books attracted great interest in Hungary.}, abstract={They constituted an important element of popular culture, and they have contributed their tolerate as a Hungarian varieties of this genre. In the literature of this period they were created by writers stereotypical figure of evil criminals and positive heroes working in the ranks of the militia. With a clear reason it could not then be presented silhouette private detective.}, abstract={Detection of the perpetrators of the most frequently represented the fruit of collective work team militiamen. The stereotypical storyline effectively been used for propaganda purposes, as in Polish literature, in the "powieść milicyjna". Tin this paper will be presented some interesting from our point of view literary works and films, which have high artistic level, and are perfectly documents of these times.}, title={Karykaturalny stereotyp zbrodni i przestępcy w węgierskiej kulturze lat realnego socjalizmu (1956-1989) = Caricature stereotype of crime and criminals in Hungarian culture in years of real socialism (1956-1989)}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={literatura węgierska, powieść kryminalna, realny socjalizm, 20 w.}, }