@misc{Samsel-Chojnacka_Monika_Goodbye, author={Samsel-Chojnacka, Monika}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The generation entering adulthood in the late sixties left a profound mark on the modern history of Sweden. Rebellious and disobedient towards the values of the "third way", which had been set between socialism and capitalism by the Social democratic Party, the young radicals reproached their parents with betraying the social solidarity ideals.}, abstract={They were eager, full of energy and faith in communism and in Comrade Mao, loved communist Vietnam and supported its fight against American imperialism, while believing in the victory of the revolution. They created committees and self-improvement courses where they were educated about Marxism and Leninism as well as organised Maoist militia groups, which were to start armed rebellion against the rotten capitalism.}, abstract={They organised not only lectures or study trips to Cambodia and Vietnam, but also terrorist actions and supported their comrades from other Western countries. Half a century later they hold the highest offices in their country as university professors and lecturers, managers and executives in corporations and banks.}, abstract={"What has happened to their idealism?" - ask the authors of crime novels such as Liza Marklund or Henning Mankell, who severely judge this generation. Crime fiction, which in Sweden has been a tool of propaganda for ages, has now become a medium for the 68ers to take account of the wrongs and sins of their own generation. Popular literature has become a forum for the debate on the limits of naivety and calculation as well as on the lessons the young activists learned in adulthood.}, title={Goodbye Mao. Szwedzkie powieści kryminalne jako próba rozliczenia pokolenia `68 = Goodbye mao - swedish crime fiction as an attempt to settle with the past of the 68ers}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={literatura szwedzka - tematyka - 21 w., powieść kryminalna}, }