@misc{Żmudziak_Magdalena_Kryminalne, author={Żmudziak, Magdalena}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Crime novels belong to the fastest developing contemporary literary genre, which break the norms and limitations that have been imposed by its practitioners and theoreticians. The novels have begun to comment explicitly on our reality. The question "Who murdered?", is of a lesser importance. What turns out to be more interesting is the answer to the question: "How and why was the crime committed?".}, abstract={The works of Katarzyna Bonda ("Pochłaniacz", "Okularnik", "Lampiony"), examined in the article, rank as examples of socially involved literature. Plots involving crime are, in fact, only pretexts to describe the contemporary Polish society, its problems and, furthermore, the mechanisms that lead to human degeneration. Bonda uses the conventions of the crime novel and enables the readers to perceive the phenomena that used to be characteristic of other types of literature.}, title={Kryminalne światy Katarzyny Bondy - o powieściach kryminalnych z cyklu "Cztery żywioły Saszy Załuskiej" = Criminal worlds of Katarzyna Bonda - on crime novels in the series "Cztery żywioły Saszy Załuskiej"}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Bonda, Katarzyna (1977- ) - twórczość, powieść kryminalna, literatura polska - 21 w.}, }