@misc{Chojnacki_Rafał_Szwecja, author={Chojnacki, Rafał}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Henning Mankell was a writer compared to the great nineteenth-century realists. It is his crime novel series about Inspector Kurt Wallander that inspired Professor Przemysław Czapliński`s thesis that Scandinavian crime fiction tells us more about the postmodern society than mainstream fiction.}, abstract={Mankell`s novels have become extremely popular in Poland both among the readers who share their opinions on Internet blogs and portals and among professional literary critics. Mankell is also one of those crime fiction writers who have aroused the interest of the academics. Mankell`s artistry let him escape the typical limitations of crime novels. His books are not only sheer entertainment but also constitute an attempt to convey journalistic content.}, abstract={Thus, the label of "socially engaged literature", attached to his novels, seems entirely appropriate. Following the reception of Mankell`s novels, I would like to find in reviews, interviews and articles an image of everyday life in Sweden at the beginning of the new millennium. Using the sociology of literature as my main methodology, I would like to examine the Polish reception of the novel series on Kurt Wallander. My main goal is to show what was observed between the lines of Mankell`s fiction.}, title={Szwecja w polskiej recepcji powieści kryminalnych Henninga Mankella o komisarzu Wallanderze = Sweden in the Polish reception of Henning Mankell`s crime novels about Inspector Wallander}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={powieść kryminalna, literatura szwedzka - tematyka - 20 w., literatura szwedzka - tematyka - 21 w., Mankell, Henning (1948-2015)}, }