@misc{Kobyłecka_Ewa_Pytania, author={Kobyłecka, Ewa}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Nowadays young people often find themselves lost and unable to distinguish between good and evil. They ask themselves questions about the true sense of existence and about what is most important and precious in human life. They keep looking for authorities likely to become their leaders and masters.}, abstract={Modern school exerts no more than a minor influence on the axiological choices made by the young and only occasionally does it encourage them to discuss the principles underlying peaceful cooperation with others and the rules of noble behaviour. The present autor`s research findings reveal that junior high school students are not familiar with Karol Wojtyla`s "Ethical Primer". They are not particularly willing to begin a dialogue with this socially significant text. Their comments on moral values are brief and casual. They lack knowledge, sensitivity and reflectivity.}, title={Pytania i odpowiedzi. Uczniowie gimnazjum czytają "Elementarz etyczny" Karola Wojtyły = Questions and answers. Junior high school students read Karol Wojtyla`s "Ethical Primer"}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Jan Paweł II, papież (1929-2005), etyka chrześcijańska, młodzież gimnazjalna, badania ankietowe}, }