@misc{Janczuk_Elena_"Ja, author={Janczuk, Elena}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={rus}, abstract={In the picture of human corporeality of the poetry of Marina Tsvetaeva the human chest takes the special place and it concerns to a different aspects. First and foremost, should be defined the external qualities of it. Second , it is perceived as a place in which is placed the heart (or soul), which produces the breath, and most importantly - the sound (voice), and these functions of chest are the most important for a poet.}, abstract={Third, the chest is the place to establish different kind of contacts, as well as the chest in the picture can be called a bodily membrane different, external to the body, events. For this reason, in this article a detailed analysis is provided for the whole range of values of the human breast which can be detected in the corporeality picture presented in the poetry of Tsvetaeva.}, title={"Ja tak i ne obžila druguju čast` seba - svoe telo": telesnost` v tvorčestve Mariny Cvetaevoj = "I still have not grown roots in another part of myself - my body...": the corporeality in the work of Marina Tsvetaeva}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Cwietajewa, Marina Iwanowna (1892-1941), ciało, serce, głos, cielesność, pierś, oddech, metafizyka, body, voice, heart, corporeality, breath, metaphysics}, }