@misc{Witczak_Patryk_Obraz, author={Witczak, Patryk}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The following article is devoted to the reflection on the female writing on the example of prominent emigrants od the younger generation, namely Nina Berberova and Irina Odoyevtseva. In russian emigration`s cultural and literary situation, the problem of perception of the family, family relationships and family values becomes extremely relevant.}, abstract={The present paper highlights the problem of artistic expression of the image od the family in Nina Berberova`s and Irina Odoyevtseva`s prose. A set of images and motifs within a family family perspective are identified and analysed, the theme of family identity in Berberova`s and Odoyevtseva`s short stories and novels.}, title={Obraz kosmosu rodzinnego w prozie kobiecej pierwszej fali emigracji rosyjskiej (na materiale wybranych utworów Niny Berberowej i Iriny Odojewcewej) = The theme of family in prose of female prose Russian emigration of first wave (on the example of Nina Berberova and Irina Odoyevtseva)}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Odojewcewa, Irina Władimirowna (1895-1990), Berberowa, Nina Nikołajewna (1901-1993), rosyjska emigracja, rodzina, russian emigration, family}, }