@misc{Kalita_Liliana_Nikita, author={Kalita, Liliana}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The text concentrates on Vladimir Kolyczov, a contemporary Russian writer, and the inspiration he drew from Aleksiej Balabanov`s film "Brat" (1997). This Russian cult picture of perestroika became an inspiration for the novel series ?Brat? (2000-2006). The author analyzes the first part of the series since it relies the most on the pattern presented by Balabanov`s feature film.}, abstract={The affinities between the film and the text can be observed, for example, in the title, the concept of the main character, plot choices and the idea of the novel. By taking inspiration from Balabanov`s works, Kolyczov paid homage to the director, who passed away a few years ago. It was also a conscious strategy to attract the attention of readers.}, title={Nikita Brat - bohater literacki czy filmowy? "Brat, strelaj pervym" Władimira Kołyczewa i jego analogie z twórczością Aleksieja Bałabanowa = Nikita Brat - a literary or film hero? "Brat, strelaj pervym" by Vladimir Kolyczev; the analogies with Aleksiej Balabanov`s works}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={kino rosyjskie, Bałabanow, Aleksiej (1959-2013), Kołyczew, Władimir (1968- ), proza rosyjska, mafia rosyjska, 20 w., 21 w., Russian cinema, Russian mafia, Russian prose}, }