@misc{Radziszewski_Stefan_Podwójne, author={Radziszewski, Stefan}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The novel of Jose Saramago "L`Uomo duplicato" and D. Villeneuve`s film "Enemy" are two different perspectives on the problem of the look-alike. Saramago introduces the reader to the world of the metaphysical absurd, reminiscent of Dostoyevsky and Kafka, which for the main character turns out to be a grotesque trap.}, abstract={Villeneuve decides on a simple story of madness, in which there is, unfortunately, more Freud than Saramago. In this study I prove that Saramago`s novels cannot be understood without invoking the prose of Fernando Pessoa, whose work fascinated the author of "Blindess".}, abstract={I also put forward the thesis of a theological context for the story of Tertulian Máximo Afonso: God as the "Other/Alien" who accompanies man, and the voice of conscience as a kind of an alter ego of every human being. And the Blind Fate, as always in Saramago`s prose, watching to make everything end in the worst possible way.}, title={Podwójne życie Tertuliana. Podwójność w "Podwojeniu" José Saramago = The double life of Tertulian. "L`uomo duplicato" by José Saramago}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={podwójność, Saramago, José (1922-2010), Villeneuve, Denis (1967- ), blind fate, ślepy los}, }