@misc{Rzymowska_Luiza_"Wyznania", author={Rzymowska, Luiza}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={This paper begins with a brief overview of the influence of St. Augustine`s writings upon the Christian thought. Subsequently, the subject is developed in three parts. The first part focuses on the importance of the research of Natalie Depraz for the contemporary reading of the "Confessions". Depraz introduced this masterpiece of spiritual literature to the stream of phenomenological reflection in the twenty-first century.}, abstract={In her book "Comprendre la phénomenologie. Une pratique concrete" (Paris 2006) Augustine`s narrative methodology, the mode of Christ`s dialogue with the listener, and the prayer practice of the Desert Fathers have been connected together and linked with Edmund Husserl`s "epoché" method.}, abstract={Inspired by these conclusions, Luiza Rzymowska shows the dynamics and meaning of the description of an inner journey in the "Confessions", separating it from the descriptions of "geographical" and "intellectual" journeys of the narrator. Third part of the paper describes the meaningfulness of the artistry of Augustyn`s work for philosophy.}, abstract={The exceptional style of the "Confessions", in which philosophical content and artistic form melt into one, is a manifesto on the breakthrough in the art of rhetoric - the breakthrough pronounced by Augustine the rhetoric teacher in his treatise "On Christian Education".}, title={"Wyznania" św. Augustyna w refleksji fenomenologicznej w XXI wieku = "Confessions" of Saint Augustine in phenomenological reflection of the 21st centu}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Augustyn z Hippony (święty Kościoła katolickiego ; 354-430), Depraz, Natalie (1964- ), Husserl, Edmund (1859-1938), "Confessiones", Christianity, philosophy, theology, phenomenology, "epoché", belles-lettres, autobiography, narrative, rhetoric, inner experience, inner journey, conversion}, }