@misc{Banaszak_Michał_Przekłady, author={Banaszak, Michał}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The author of the article tries to answer the question - to what extent is the knowledge about the biography of the metaphysical poet John Donne useful in the reception of his poety and translations of this poetry into Polish. It can be often seen that some individual components of Donne`s style were shaped under the influence of his personal experience.}, abstract={The material for the analyses is provided by - apart from the original poems - the translations by - especially - Stanisław Barańczak, but also Aleksander Messing-Mierzejewski, Jerzy Pietrkiewicz and Jerzy S. Sito. Three issues from Donne`s life are analysed in the article: conversion to Anglicanism, participation in military expeditions and death of the poet`s wife.}, abstract={Each of them is reflected in the original poems, as well as translations, in various ways. Taking into account the above-mentioned criteria, analyses of the poems and translations seem to confirm that Donne`s biography can, or even should constitute an important context for the interpretation of this poetry not only for the readers, but also for the translators.}, type={rozdział w książce}, title={Przekłady liryki Johna Donne`a na język polski w kontekście biograficznym = Renditions to Polish language of John Donne`s lyrics in biographical context}, keywords={przekład literacki, poezja, biografia, Donne, John (1572-1631), poetry, biography, literary translations}, }